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So what's her behaviour telling you, then?
added by Kellett for Gun Iris on 01.06.2021 in 01:11You've GOT to find a way to deal with your emotions. I mean, it seems like everything that's even remotely uncomfortable to you causes you to feel .
added by Shor for Gun Iris on 03.06.2021 in 14:28They want me with them. My family on the other hand are not in favor of this. Going over late christmas day and having dessert with his family is fine, and vise versa, ...but truly having a christmas day there isn't.
added by Fornicator for Gun Iris on 03.06.2021 in 09:50awesome.
added by Judaeus for Gun Iris on 02.06.2021 in 09:21hit me up then we can talk :P sorry im lazyyyy haahah.
added by Amentia for Gun Iris on 03.06.2021 in 23:41The true nice guys find more pleasure in people informing them they are nice rather than announcing it to the world.
added by Aerosol for Gun Iris on 03.06.2021 in 18:50Because then you're making it obvious you're only asking her out because she's hot. I never said anything sexually to her. I never comment about a girls looks if you're wanting to ask her out.
added by Yay for Gun Iris on 10.06.2021 in 02:12I'm spontaneous kinky love trying new things open for whateve. Hi.I'm heaven looking for a friend that I can get close with If you get what I'm saying.
added by Clarinda for Gun Iris on 05.06.2021 in 03:18nice black spandex pants sexy looking
added by Cdlloyd for Gun Iris on 07.06.2021 in 01:14ahhhhhh can't decide...