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And when you talked to him he thought you were being whiny. This relationship is too much work and you're obviously not happy. He's not doing anything to make you feel better.
added by Insieme for Shamani on 31.07.2021 in 20:18Go hang out by the prison on release days. I worked in the prison system for a while. You want a "bad boy"?
added by Pidgin for Shamani on 06.08.2021 in 01:39Is that reasonable? I feel like she wants to break up with me. I told how hurt I was, and she still says she doesn't want me to come. She said she is feeling like she has become more independent not being around me, and thinks that my visit would ruin that. Do you think that's what is happening? I just got an email from her today, to say that she doesn't want me to come. Obviously, I'm pretty hurt by this.
added by Odis for Shamani on 04.08.2021 in 09:40Whatever the reason, if it annoys you, if it offends you, that's all you need to know and be done with those people. I think it's irrelevant why someone behaves this way and to try and figure it out would be just a big of a time waster.
added by Albright for Shamani on 28.07.2021 in 09:52selfpic blanket grass hollister arm
added by Swaddle for Shamani on 31.07.2021 in 21:45but throwing her around and overpowering her without already having a relationship established is most likely going to end the sex quickly and then end what you might have had in the future.
added by Eightyfold for Shamani on 01.08.2021 in 21:00Dating afterall is about learning about the other person, not how much money he or she will spend on dinner or for your time.
added by Routhie for Shamani on 29.07.2021 in 21:13I'm the one who wrote this a few days ago.
added by Brogdon for Shamani on 01.08.2021 in 15:16It didn't really affect any relationships since I wasn't seriously involved at the time. Hearing about the engagement opened an old wound. I wouldn't dump him though. You need to see how he reacts once she gets married. All he is guilty of is having a broken heart. It may give him closure or may drive him over the cliff. I was very hurt but got over it eventually. He may withdraw the proposal. Anything could happen. I thought I was over my ex until I heard he got married. Similar happened to me.