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Sourced for Bashiirah escort wrote:
When you say "her circle of friends" do you hang out with those friends or does she often go off and hang out with them without you? see the review
Simps for Mei Chen escort wrote:
A fling is a fling, but according to you the guy is a dirtbag, so he grates on you but your GF will keep him in her life. see the review
Mirabilis for Nashoa escort wrote:
If you trust her then cool and proceed as normal. But if she's going off regularly partying with "her circle of friends" and you're not invited then on your part you're going to be in trouble because you're going to turn into that guy you don't want to be and when that happens the relationship will only go one way and that is down. see the review
Bree for Henne escort wrote:
I think where she went wrong here was to tell you. In an ideal world being open and transparent would be preferable, but in an ideal world grown ups would be able to handle that kind of info. I kind of get why you can't. I've felt jealous before, of course. So really, since you can't handle that sort of thing the only way for you guys to be together and not be miserable is for her to keep that kind of info to herself. It happened before she knew you, she shouldn't be punished (by having to choose between you and her friends) for not having been faithful then. see the review
Painstaker for Zaem escort wrote:
She cheated on you with this guy and they are still talking. Where is your manhood? see the review
Plush for Karistina escort wrote:
As far as my reading comprehension goes the OP never see the review
Kimoto for Mayia escort wrote:
told us if the sex was before or after they started dating. see the review
Psychic for Gebreyonas escort wrote:
I think where she went wrong here was to tell you. see the review
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