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The black band is a nice touch admin (y)
added by Kapoors for Terze on 11.12.2020 in 22:52That he just won't tell her, but cut me out and pretend we never happened. But I am terrified. Or that he'll tell her, and she'll forgive him on the condition of shutting me out. Terrified he'll choose her.
added by Chapper for Terze on 10.12.2020 in 19:16I believe respect and trust are upmost in a relationship. I don't believe in one night stands so if that's your. Hi..I'm genuine, honest, romantic and have a lot of love to give to the right one.
added by Protoxide for Terze on 14.12.2020 in 06:58I'd be totally down with a guy (or a girl) who has their own life, their own stuff, and we are exclusive, but don't spend a ton of time together.
added by Crowbar for Terze on 12.12.2020 in 20:44Love to join w/ her on the window sill.
added by Despina for Terze on 14.12.2020 in 21:45You won't break up with her.
added by Mensch for Terze on 11.12.2020 in 16:03he agrees to back off since he doesn't wanna date her anyway, he just wanted to get his **** wet. She then told me she had hung out with him a few days back. Later, I confront x about it and tell him I legitimately like the girl. During the date, she asked me if X knew we were hanging out (x referes to my new friend). I say "hooked up" because whilst there might have been some activity, there was no actual sex. Anyway, this all happened a few days before I went on my first date with her.
added by Bleeder for Terze on 12.12.2020 in 02:44my new favrite picture on this site
added by Treader for Terze on 14.12.2020 in 15:29A sweet bikini snow angel! Wow!
added by Ulsterite for Terze on 08.12.2020 in 16:03Both are nice but right wins