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triple yellow slide playground blue poles bracelets. lefty has an amazing hourglass figure. yeah i noticed her left arm too, her pinky finger also looks messed up but yet she looses no points from me.
added by Bunbury for Hildegun on 11.11.2020 in 01:12You haven't yet solidified who you are and where you will be 15 years from now. You, you're making your plans now and putting them in action.
added by Morden for Hildegun on 17.11.2020 in 11:39But how much are you willing to turn a blind eye to, and is it wise to do so? Should I answer his calls? Or based on the fact he's always online chatting with someone else (seemingly) more than he ever does with me, be a deal breaker? Now, I realize it's going to be rare to be anyone's "priority" on OLD.
added by Housatonic for Hildegun on 18.11.2020 in 12:15I never cheated on her, but I did break up with her in college partially for this reason (and I just knew that she wasn't "the one"). FWIW, when I was in a LTR with a girl who was only the second girl I'd ever slept with I definitely felt the need to sow my oats.
added by Clangs for Hildegun on 11.11.2020 in 20:59she is young and is just spreading her wings trying to find out what she wants in life.. That is only about 1 per month..
added by Operetta for Hildegun on 11.11.2020 in 20:30"My time with her was like a dream one that stays with you forever she is a beautiful lady in and out"
added by Ocas for Hildegun on 17.11.2020 in 14:10lol Excellent display of discipline and restraint, bnice.
added by Logger for Hildegun on 11.11.2020 in 18:14Anyway, I'm not sure if I have it, it was just a theory. Thanks for all the responses. I scored a 24.
added by Samples for Hildegun on 19.11.2020 in 18:10Short when you only like tall guys, lives with mom, no car.
added by Depths for Hildegun on 14.11.2020 in 12:49Never get tired of looking at her An all time fav.
added by Swamped for Hildegun on 18.11.2020 in 00:18Same two
added by Virtuosity for Hildegun on 17.11.2020 in 10:57"User" could very well be your gf. (hence why she decided to bring this up). Have you done anything lately to upset her? Yep. This was my first thought. No other explanation makes much sense.