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And i am sad i hesitated to meeet her for so long when first i opened this profile.Until we meet next time CLI BUENO She is cazy honest and i like this most about her..i feel i know her for loong..she is real genuine not like other girls..although she is crazy and never serious but i like her and will really miss her and really hope she enjoys my company as much as i enjoy hers.
added by Gland for Pradyosthna on 02.05.2021 in 06:58It seems the more skilled I get at correctly reading their true interest, the more they play hard to get games. This is all true and valid when a woman is being fairly blatant about her intentions. Well thanks for that list anyway. If they would not play games at all and always acted interested if even subtley when they were and the same when they're not really interested it would be fairly easily and there would be no miscommunication. In reality they usually don't. The problem is many women play games or even act interested when they're not really.
added by Breanne for Pradyosthna on 04.05.2021 in 00:39rbb
added by Bregmata for Pradyosthna on 03.05.2021 in 02:34You are looking down on yourself because you're inexperienced, and don't have your own place.
added by Preposterous for Pradyosthna on 08.05.2021 in 10:29Lefty is the stuff JB dreams are made of.
added by Vermeer for Pradyosthna on 01.05.2021 in 23:12SHAMEONEME: a little agency pro pic / JOKING: all too old again , borders strike two / YOURFATMOMMA: horrible uploads, improve or stop , males in pic strike two / MSTRB: child an males in one pic strike three you're done uploading / DUDEMANN: Swedish pro model /
added by Marnia for Pradyosthna on 07.05.2021 in 10:54I'm confident enough she'll get in contact with me I just have to play the waiting game. The ball is definitely in her court.
added by Divinify for Pradyosthna on 29.04.2021 in 19:00On. Shiny things distract me, people-watching is a favorite pastime, I live for the moments you can’t put into words, and few things transcend a cup of coffee and someone to share it with.
added by Hotel for Pradyosthna on 01.05.2021 in 15:38Amazing gap with nice ibt
added by Starbuc for Pradyosthna on 01.05.2021 in 22:01I have a very open mind and looking for someone who will not judge and can leave the drama. Looking for someone with common intrest that enjoys living life to its fullest to share some fun/same.
added by Inscribe for Pradyosthna on 02.05.2021 in 21:34- He suddenly replies asking if i have time the coming weekend, apologising for replying so late whereas he had been online in those two weeks to upload photos from his trip and he even msgd someone else in that time (I know, I couldn't help checking!).
added by Foggers for Pradyosthna on 03.05.2021 in 06:33I'm on this looking to chat and. Tom boy type get on with the lads laid back and up for a laugh honest and straight to the point cheeky and down to earth I don't judge anyone easy to get on with .
added by Schultze for Pradyosthna on 08.05.2021 in 08:16I thought they were friends till they stuck me with the bill a little to many times. They take your friendship for granted and come back when they need you. I had friends like yours.