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Azariah for Henne escort wrote:
- If you love him, then you want the best for him, whether it negatively impacts you or not see the review
Meiosis for Belem escort wrote:
- What's best for him, is to have all of the correct information so that he is fully informed as to who he is marrying, and not risking losing years of his life with someone he would never have married had he been given the benefit of all the relevant information to make really large live decision in an informed way. see the review
Overplay for Appelby escort wrote:
Think of it like this....if you found out from his doctor that he had cancer, and had two months to live, would you tell him? Would you want him to know the brutal truth no matter how difficult it would be for him, so that he can make some informed decisions on how he wants to spend his time and how what he wants to prioritize in his life? Or would you decide that because if would be hard on him and ruin his day, that it would be best to just not let him know and let him go on ignorant of it until it knocks him off of his feet some time down the road? see the review
Malware for Ajsuluu escort wrote:
The choice is the same...what's good for your husband if you love him...only difference is that in this reality, you have created it, and you will have to pay the consequences. Don't let selfishness be the reason you don't tell him! see the review
Panman for Liqitu escort wrote:
Anyway.... I was going to ask if there is any way your fiance would ever be able to find out about this? see the review
Chaotical for Gebreyonas escort wrote:
I don't think you can live with this or you wouldn't be posting.... so you have to tell him. see the review
Askant for Karistina escort wrote:
No I don't have to believe him because he hid it from me and I just got this feeling so I checked so I asked him and he said that he wasn't cheating on me that there was no one else that he promised me that and so I told him where he hid it from me that we need to have a on this relationship and he needs to be honest he did admit he took one when he went to see me one day at work through my lunch but he said because he ever masturbated. see the review
Elkhart for Laurentine escort wrote:
Let me try to recap: your boyfriend has ED and you noticed a viagra pill was missing. He claims he used it while you were at work so he could masturbate? see the review
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