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Thanks again all and i'll let you know how it goes.
added by Pannini for Ellen Victoria on 29.01.2021 in 13:05Such a personal gift as a dress, regular daily texting, an anonymous valentine message in a newspaper (who else would it be from?), all from a guy who ADMITTED he thought he had a shot at your ex wife, while she refused to put up the most basic of boundaries, is enough to completely piss off virtually every red blooded man.
added by Shagrag for Ellen Victoria on 25.01.2021 in 09:00twosome crowded beach towel abs hoop earrings spray bottle
added by Tumeric for Ellen Victoria on 21.01.2021 in 22:55nice :)
added by Allam for Ellen Victoria on 30.01.2021 in 06:01blue lips cold toe
added by Dunker for Ellen Victoria on 24.01.2021 in 01:47A girl who likes you will think it's awesome, but be wary. You'll take away challenge for the girl who's on the fence about it, though. Next time, try not to say anything about fate or a future with a girl.
added by Escalado for Ellen Victoria on 25.01.2021 in 08:13She knew something was off and texted me the next day telling me that she felt I wasn’t interested anymore. I reassured her that I was still interested, but I was doing a bad job of balancing my priorities. After that happened is when I think everything changed. She still texted a ton throughout the day and even invited me to meet her brother that weekend, which I did, even though I wasn’t feeling well. ( I have a full time job and 2 businesses). I told her I will do a better job and make her a higher priority because I saw real potential in a relationship with her being long term.
added by Leurent for Ellen Victoria on 28.01.2021 in 01:18I remember the days when I didn't listen to anybody either. It's OK! I wish you great luck.
added by Tijuana for Ellen Victoria on 29.01.2021 in 18:44j-j-j-j-jeeeesus those eyes...
added by Acrasia for Ellen Victoria on 25.01.2021 in 15:33Most men's profiles contain minimal info, so you'll really stand out if you take the time to put together a quality one. Don't just throw it together. 4. I like to know what someone's hobbies are, how they spend an average day, what their highest values are, etc. Really take the time to create a profile that tells someone about what you are like and what you are looking for in a mate.
added by Edwin for Ellen Victoria on 30.01.2021 in 18:55PATRIOTICBABES: dupe / 20XZOEZ01: quality , artificial text (final chance to read the FAQ) / BECKSTI: quality , crop or drop / MAREKDZEJZIMAREKDZEJZI: crop or drop
added by Mccreath for Ellen Victoria on 22.01.2021 in 19:49After long hard thought I chose Joe. well, because while Sam and i got along great , i felt myself wanting to spend more time with Joe, so eventually, Sam was out of the picture and I was with Joe exclusively. Why? while i was casually seeing both Sam and Joe at first.. somehow, they both got serious at the same time. but i figured i HAD to at that point. I wasn't really ready for a serious commitment with either, because i wasnt ready to choose one.. Now the problem here was..
added by Renard for Ellen Victoria on 23.01.2021 in 09:37I think I was just more disappointed that this is that first time in two months we were both in town over the weekend, and we didn't see each other. I get what you are saying.