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So this week her boyfriend invites her to a bar and she promptly accepts. So tomorrow I will provide my proof to her parents so they understand I am not a monster who would leave his wife and 2 year old daughter for the wrong reasons. So, with all my evidence of text messages I just had to wait. She spent over 5 hours at his house...ty GPS device. She's home now and I'm sick to my stomach. I think this is best for my relationship with my daughter after I divorce my wife tomorrow. She comes up with a story that she is going shopping with her friend and will be home late. I also took the receipt from her "shopping trip" which was dated 3/1. So I looked up the bar address and took pictures of her car and videos to prove she was there.
added by Salerno for Mhabad on 23.07.2021 in 20:26ALL of them! MYRRAIE1: Get a new source. All your uploads are dupes and pros.
added by Scribes for Mhabad on 16.07.2021 in 20:53haha.
added by Tulk for Mhabad on 15.07.2021 in 19:53Hi AreWe
added by Daniel for Mhabad on 15.07.2021 in 09:53It was terrible
added by Mccaffe for Mhabad on 23.07.2021 in 15:28lefty omg
added by Whomever for Mhabad on 17.07.2021 in 18:17into the far-right girl's eyes three stooges style
added by Manek for Mhabad on 22.07.2021 in 23:34Do you. Hi..I'm very new to online dating and my busy schedule won't allow me spend much time on here so get hold of me on eigt one svn fiv nin two zro svn two three and see how it goes from there .
added by Adenine for Mhabad on 15.07.2021 in 07:01I agree (if only more people thought this way it would be better) but it's whatever they decide.