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This was my first thought. Have you done anything lately to upset her? Yep. "User" could very well be your gf. (hence why she decided to bring this up). No other explanation makes much sense.
added by Fowling for Delades on 05.04.2021 in 04:28My curiosity on FB led me to befriending guy #2 and we started talking again laughing of the past until we exchanged numbers and planned to meet for drinks at his house THAT SAME NIGHT.
added by Undead for Delades on 08.04.2021 in 13:33I'm secure. It would be funny.
added by Kardish for Delades on 06.04.2021 in 16:12Freakin' fantastic
added by Rmilner for Delades on 09.04.2021 in 22:48cute young bait
added by Cameral for Delades on 10.04.2021 in 14:32Either way, I'm not going to force the issue. I'll no doubt take a stroll down State street with them (tons of cool shops and restaurants). Maybe something will catch the mom's eye!
added by Ennazec for Delades on 09.04.2021 in 13:40(he allegedly boned another chick) so show me that too. Ok why don't you also show me where her lack of control for acting on her "anger" feelings trumps his lack of control for his "sexual" feelings.
added by Yuji for Delades on 09.04.2021 in 15:36Thanks to all that help out. I'm confused out of my mind and I apologize if I confused you also but I would really appreciate it if you all could let me know what to do. Should I talk to her about what my friend asked and see how she feels, should i proceed to ask her out and show her a better time then her previous b/f, or should I just throw it out the window and not do anything????? Any advice would greatly be appreciated.
added by Pentrit for Delades on 06.04.2021 in 21:52Many of them were also precisely as advertised, and a couple of them I really regret sort of deciding they weren't good enough, or not pursuing it definitively. I found online dating to be a pretty weird, mixed bag. I had quite a few dates over the course of my time there, and I will say that many of the girls looked significantly different "in real life" than "in unreal life".
added by Sangsue for Delades on 05.04.2021 in 20:48Just kinda layed back. Love sports and pretty much athletic lol, get to know me. hey!