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Enjoy the flirting while it's harmless but go no further, is my advice.
added by Farlane for Eftelya on 17.07.2021 in 12:26It sounds very selfish to me It just seems like he wants the best friend, mother, sister, & girlfriend relationship with you, without being committed to you.
added by Brickey for Eftelya on 15.07.2021 in 04:29Where does this guy get off thinking his plans should over ride your right to your own home?
added by Heer for Eftelya on 22.07.2021 in 02:38so i was wondering what should i do. i recently went to a party and my friend's girlfriend was there. by the way i'm only 14, and there's no sex involved or anythin, if that matters. so then i want to be a good friend and not interfere but i also think it's wrong that i like her so much and he's the one that gets her. then, he told me that most of the reason he was with her was because of the way she looked. she was really amazing and we were talking for a while and i really liked her. also, besides her boyfriend i was the only guy she talked to at that party, and the way she talked made me think that if she didnt have a boyfriend and got to know me better she'd definitley go out with me. this really got me mad.
added by Daphine for Eftelya on 15.07.2021 in 20:01I'm Ricky I like to have fun sex and a serious relationship very easy to get along with and horn.
added by Farra for Eftelya on 13.07.2021 in 21:10Perfect upside down boat water for F&G List #34 thanks for the retweet
added by Premier for Eftelya on 14.07.2021 in 08:12My all time Favorite